How To Get Children To Do Homework
How can you get your child to do his or her homework with little or no fuss? Take the advice of the following parents who have "been there and done that"...

I try to get my son outside right after school, because it gets dark earlier now and he can't go out after dinner and he needs exercise. But I won't let him use the computer and things until he is done.
I think of school as a kid’s job. What would happen if you did not do your job would not get paid and therefore could not buy things. I would say no extra things for that child. If it is that bad and the child is young, I would reward them for good grades, which is a result in doing homework.
I'm pretty tough on my son when it comes to his grades and homework. So to help, we try and make the stuff he really enjoys a privilege – like playing video games, watching TV, and having a yummy dessert after dinner. In order to do or have any of these things, he has to earn them, so if he doesn't do his homework or comes home with bad grades, he can't have certain privileges and that seems to work for me and my husband.
It was suggested to me to let my son not do his homework, but also don’t let him do anything that he enjoys doing, for example, watching TV, playing etc. And when it came time to hand his homework in at school, let the teacher punish him. I actually spoke to my son’s teacher and now if he doesn’t do homework, he gets kept in at playtime to complete it.
Maybe what is wrong with your child is not that he doesn't want to do homework. Maybe he either doesn't understand or wants attention from you. Sit with him or answer his questions if it seems like he is struggling. Also, if you have other children, try to spend 10 minutes every night just you and him talking or reading to him. You will see his negative reaction to homework will diminish with time.
My 7 yr old son hates homework. Yet, when he sits down to do it, it only takes about 5-10 minutes to complete it. I have found with my kids that if I give them a snack when they get home and about 30-45 minutes of time to unwind, they fight me less about doing homework. We have a routine. We stick to it and adapt only when necessary. Get home at 2:25, discuss their days while having a snack until around 2:40, then bathroom and free time until 3:30, at that time homework starts no matter what they were doing before. I help each one as they have questions, but I won't do it for them. If they don't want to do it, I don't force them. I simply remind them that they must sit with their homework until it is done. NO soccer practice or game, no chorus, no playing, no TV, etc. Even if they have to sit in the car with their homework while a sibling is at a game or practice. They now know what I expect and they do their homework at the designated time. They even remind me that it is 3:30 when I get busy and don't notice right away. Routines are a must.
My 8 year old last year just wouldn't bring his homework home; he would throw it in his desk. I started taking away his play time. He liked to play the play station every day, so I took the play station away for 2 days for every one day he forgot his homework. He stopped putting his homework in his desk.
Natural consequences: if he doesn’t do his homework, he will be in trouble at school.
My boy was the same …absolute nightmare every night then I was told by a well educated and experienced lady that homework is a contract between child and teacher. My headstrong boy learned the hard way if it's not handed in on time and without appropriate parental note, that he has to stay in at lunch time to complete it. Works so well!
My boy was the same …absolute nightmare every night then I was told by a well educated and experienced lady that homework is a contract between child and teacher. My headstrong boy learned the hard way if it's not handed in on time and without appropriate parental note, that he has to stay in at lunch time to complete it. Works so well!
Usually if my son doesn't do his homework, it means no play station. Most times in the afternoon we have a routine which goes like this: afternoon tea, a little play outside, start homework, then dinner/bath etc., then he is free to do what he wants. I think he has figured out that if he keeps delaying the homework, it eats into his free time and then there is no time left for play station, reading, playing, Lego, etc. I let him have a short play when we come home as he is only 7, and I think they still need a bit of a break to refresh after school.
We set up a routine, time and place for homework. Also, either my husband or I will sit at the same table and do some of "our work." For example, could be paying bills, balancing a check book, writing out a grocery list, thank you notes, or reading the paper, so they know everyone has work to do – homework is theirs. Also being with them. We are right there if they have questions. My boys are 10 and 7. I also often tell them that I loved school, but forget a lot as it was so long ago, and ask them to teach me something they are going over in school. It helps them study without them knowing it, and they are proud about what they've learned. I usually pretend I didn't know anything about it, and sometimes I didn't. Lastly, I agree with the advice of letting them suffer the consequences of not doing their homework. I would contact the teacher to let them know what you are doing so they know you are involved and care. At our school, if you don't do your homework, you must stay in at recess to finish it. Try to stay calm though …it certainly is frustrating, as you don't want to make ‘homework time’ negative. Also, instead of giving punishments, you could try catching your kids being good. When they DO their homework, give them a positive reward …play a game with them, read a book with them, let them do a privilege.
What we do in our house is that if homework is not done, then they lose the other rights of the house, TV time, game time, toys, etc. Then they also have to live with the consequences of whatever the teacher gives them, no arguments from mom or dad. They learned early that if they don't do their homework, there is a penalty for it. One other thing that works for us is that as soon as they get home from school, they use the bathroom, get to their designated area for homework and get started. I get them a snack and a small drink. This way they have no excuses for getting up and it gets done more quickly. Then when the homework is done, they have the rest of the afternoon and night to play or do what they want to until dinner and bath. It helps because they realize when they do what they are responsible for, they have more freedoms.
I think routine works best for my son. He knows what to expect. I work full time, so when I pick him up from after school program, we both need time to unwind. He is allowed snack and playtime when we get home while I make dinner. If he offers to help make dinner, I definitely allow and encourage him. We talk about school very lightly. We eat dinner and both watch our favorite show together. Then it's homework time. I give him a choice of which assignment he wants to do first. Sometimes he'll say he wants to do it by himself, which is great, sometimes he'll ask for help. Once it's done, he knows he gets play time, so the sooner it's done, the better off he is. When he waffles, I'll say, "then I guess it's bed time" then he'll say, "no!" and get back to work. It's been a long road to get to this point, and we both talk about the purpose of homework. I told him I didn't like doing homework either when I was his age, but for now, he should consider it his "job" just like I have a job I go to as well. He said he thinks homework is there so that kids will learn, but he doesn't think that's a very good reason! I told him there are arguments for and against homework, and he is entitled to his opinion, and if he would like to write an essay to his Superintendant on why he disagrees with the value of homework, he is welcome to. He said no to that (probably too much work). I told him that when he gets older and begins to choose courses he enjoys, such as computer graphics, he may enjoy his homework if it is something he is interested in. He agreed that may work. I have to admit, I can't argue with him about wanting to only work on what you are passionate about. I hope to be able to afford to send him to a "Strengths-Based" school as he gets older. I would have loved that when I was a kid. He's only 10 now, but I encourage him to find his niche, and the sky's the limit!